
The Old Catholic Churches International is a progressive Church body flowing out of the Old Catholic Tradition. An inclusive and inviting Church, we celebrate a diversity of worship styles within our communities, while remaining traditionally theological and fiercely Catholic. We are an expression of Emerging Catholicism, a Church that holds true to that which makes us truly Catholic and Apostolic yet sees that the Church must be a place where the Kingdom of God is made visible for ALL PEOPLE.

Our work is firmly grounded in the wish of Jesus Christ that His church strive to attain unity in the face of its differences thus making us an ecumenical mission church.

We are a Community of joy, celebrating each person as a special gift of God and a cherished treasure of the Church. We seek first the Kingdom of God in our lives, purposely looking for Jesus in the least, the lost and the forgotten. Feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, visiting the sick, comforting the lonely: faith in action!

The Old Catholic Churches International derives its Apostolic Succession from the historic Churches of the East and West and can trace those successions through multiple lines. As a church, we have significant ties with the historic Old Catholic movement. We are a self-governed church that strives to build up the Kingdom of God one person at a time.